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Buried Treasures

My relationship with Patience evolved considerably throughout the editorial process of this issue. Patience and I have not always been the best of friends, and I habitually describe myself as Impatient, wanting Life to unfold on my schedule (so silly!) because of my limited understanding of the continuum of what Patience truly is. The pieces in this collection uncovered and awakened long forgotten knowings buried in corners and crevices of my soul that revealed Patience as a pathway to knowing, becoming, and loving oneself; as a blanket of comfort through times of challenge and suffering; as a fruit that is wet, sweet, and giving when left to ripen in its time; and as an inevitable force that we get to decide how to engage with. The themes rising in this issue brought me into a deeper level of self-exploration, coupled with Patience, within my writing practice too.

The pieces that resonated with me the most deeply were the ones that spoke from heart to heart, weaving both personal and universal language and meaning. Receiving the visual art was a beautiful experience, requiring Patience in and of itself, to allow spaciousness for the images to communicate without words. There was a certain multidimensional quality of Patience felt through this artistic means for me. The visual art landed in themes of empowerment, sensuality, and wholeness encompassing both the light and dark aspects of the process of Patience, as well as the continuous movement while standing still. As evident through the submissions, collectively, we are being invited into a deeper communion and intimacy with our own hearts and its language; to get curious about the mystery long enough that she begins to reveal herself to us; to listen with all physical and psychic senses for what is being said beneath the words being said and following that thread; and to clarify our channel continually until our unique signature and song emerges. This is the crux of our art, of our words, of our expression, and who we are unbecoming in order to become our authentic selves.

Feast on and savour the flavours of this collection and tell me there is not a God, an omniversal force of truth who divinely orchestrated this dynamic yet cohesive masterpiece, who in a work of artistry beyond comprehension wove together each individual writer and artist’s strand of a contribution into a grand tapestry to tell a story no individual could have possibly imagined on their own. Tell me each of our uniqueness is not absolutely necessary, I’ll wait…

My prayer is that this collection submerges you into the divine heart that holds and connects us all and that you lose all track of time as you enter the timelessness of Patience. I pray that the individual pieces find you by touching your heart and soul, inspire you, unify you, and bring you peace in your process with Patience on your unique life journey.

—Kaleigh MacDonald, Wellspringwords Community Member