Wellspringwords Literary Anthology
Issue 2
cover artwork by Hali Igwelaezoh
This year of 2024, we’ve been sinking into self-trust all throughout this platform.
In this Autumn/Winter issue of our Literary Anthology, we artistically explore the patience required in crafting ourselves and the lives we consciously choose.
Some of the questions we posed to writers and artists for reflection and creation were:
What is it like to cultivate an open heart?
What space do you make in your life to feel all of you?
Explore the continuum of patience and action.
How does patience manifest in your artistic expression?
Is patience a virtue, yielding fruits, or a vice, the poison that eats us as we sit with it?
Please be aware that some content in this issue engages with domestic violence, self-harm, and death as noted by (cw) below.