Liberating the Heart:

Alchemizing Pain into Poetry

Saturday, October 12, 2024

9am PST | 11am CST | 12pm EST


This writing and creative embodiment immersion is a sacred self-healing experience that encapsulates the core ethos of the Wellspringwords platform — to journey with open inner eyes into our personal depths to source our creative wisdom.

Our most precious creative wisdom often resides in the heart of our deepest pain, which resides deeply within our own spiritual hearts. Our hearts, entangled in the emotional stories of past pain and trauma, often stay caged in an act of self-protection. But really, this caging is a form of self-neglect of the deeper expressions the heart longs to share. Caging the heart reflects into the external world a distorted reality that often continues to mirror circumstances of abuse, harm, betrayal, and emotional mishandling — until we return to the deeper heart and listen, courageously, to the pain.

This 3-hour session fuses intentional integrative somatic therapy with the power of poetry to support our spiritual journeys of liberating our hearts from the severe self-limitation created by self-protection as a result of past emotional trauma.

In this session you’ll be compassionately guided in a somatic healing exploration to connect with the pain within that is ready to be healed. From our self-healing exploration, you will be guided to alchemize or transform this potent emotional energy into written art through poetic exploration.

(Learn about our approach to somatic healing and creative embodiment here.)

The poetry is here to transform emotional pain into full expression of the heart, through the voice of pain and the unique wisdom it offers. Poetry is more than just writing; it is reaching into the soul and offering nourishment to the heart by way of authentic, subjective, transformative artistic expression.

Join us. Let your truth pull you.

Notes to consider:

  • This self-healing experience is about cultivating self-compassion, courage, and the capacity to experience ourselves with greater intimacy. We intend to provide you with tools to navigate your inner depths with strength, clarity, and self-trust.

  • If you register for this immersion, trust that there is a pain that is ready to be healed, and the energy that pain is holding is ready to be freed for your personal vitality and more potent creative expression.

  • Please take care of yourself and trust your intuition when deciding whether this is the right time/situation for you to dive into this emotional transformation work. You will know.

  • Please be prepared with a private & comforting space/room to move.