Season 4 Wellspringwords Season 4 Wellspringwords

Words as a Vehicle for Healing

Nkem closes out an insightful season 4 with reflections on expression, healing, and creativity. She touches on words as a modality of healing and self-understanding, and even has a few special invitations for all listeners in the Wellspringwords community.

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Season 3 Wellspringwords Season 3 Wellspringwords

Cultivating Your Experience as a Writer + Trusting Your Authentic Self

Sprouted from an idea from one of our writing fellows, Surabhi Raj, we asked you all for questions about sharing your heart with the world, cultivating your experience as a writer, and authentic self-expression. Nkem shares her insights from her own lived experience as well as what she’s observed as a writing coach and spiritual guide. Grab a hot drink and settle in!

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