Wellspringwords® is a spiritual development platform supporting writers & artists with Sacred inner-world cultivation through the magic and power of words and embodiment.
Explore our Literary Anthology, Creative Enrichment Studio, and Podcast.
Find yourself at home.
Our Offerings
Cultivate your inner sanctuary; authentic truth, embodied sensation, organic expression
Online Writing & Creative Embodiment Immersions
Saturday, March 22 | The Seat of the Creatrix: A Journey into the Womb
Saturday, April 5 | Cultivating a Meditative State: A Free Creative Embodiment Immersion
Saturday, April 19 | On Motherhood: A Memoir Writing Session
Sundays from April 27-June 15 | Heart Translation: 8-Week Embodied Creative Writing Course
Issue 3 of the Wellspringwords® Literary Anthology is open for submissions!
Theme:“The Sensualist…”
The overall theme for the Wellspringwords® platform this year is “Living our freedom…”.
Using Issue 3 of our Literary Anthology, we will explore, as a collective, some of the more nuanced and subtle aspects of freedom. Our freedom encompasses our embodiment as much as it touches on our sense of psychological openness and access to societal frameworks for success.
In this Spring/Summer issue, we are exploring the embodied experience of inhabiting oneself. In this publication, we get to define the role of sensuality in our lived experience.
We want to learn about you as The Sensualist. Through your writing and visual art, demonstrate your physical, emotional, and spiritual sensations — and your experience with sensation itself.
Intuitive Writing for Self-Discovery Self-Paced Course
Connect with your Higher, Intuitive Self.
Within this unique, inspiring, and transformative writing course, you’ll move through 6 Rhythms created to represent the dance of self-discovery.
You can expect to:
create and sustain an organic writing practice
strengthen your writing skills through consistent writing
write beautiful, captivating, and authentic poetry
build a portfolio of intuitive and soulful creative writing
deepen your self-belief and intuitive awareness
transmute outdated energetic mental and emotional patterns
cultivate healthy self-awareness and self-validation
calibrate your mind, heart, and body to the Sacred Feminine principles of being and receiving
and more… you will get exactly what you need from this course.