Intuitive Writing for Self-Discovery
Within this unique, inspiring, and transformative writing course, you’ll move through 6 Rhythms created to represent the dance of self-discovery.
You can expect to:
create and sustain an organic writing practice
strengthen your writing skills through consistent writing
write beautiful, captivating, and authentic poetry
build a portfolio of intuitive and soulful creative writing
deepen your self-belief and intuitive awareness
transmute outdated energetic mental and emotional patterns
cultivate healthy self-awareness and self-validation
calibrate your mind, heart, and body to the Sacred Feminine principles of being and receiving
and more… you will get exactly what you need from this course.
Teaching + Transmission | Attuning to The Internal World
In this section, we explore how to align the powerful practice of intuitive writing with our different brainwave states to recognize subconscious stories, enhance our subtle nature, and ultimately cultivate our inner space for clearer and more powerful creative expression.
In this section, we explore how to align the powerful practice of intuitive writing with our different brainwave states to recognize subconscious stories, enhance our subtle nature, and ultimately cultivate our inner space for clearer and more powerful creative expression.
Immersion | Guided Meditation for Inner Space Awareness
This meditation guides you to deeper awareness of your somatic experience, your present emotional state, and your inner landscape. Through this meditation, you are cultivating internal awareness, a subtle-yet-powerful skill for orienting yourself to a life of authenticity, discernment, true desire, and personal safety.
This meditation guides you to deeper awareness of your somatic experience, your present emotional state, and your inner landscape. Through this meditation, you are cultivating internal awareness, a subtle-yet-powerful skill for orienting yourself to a life of authenticity, discernment, true desire, and personal safety.
Writing Exploration | The Internal World Speaks
This writing exploration is designed to support you in allowing the organic language of your internal voice to emerge, writing with more freedom and fluidity, and engaging with your authentic expression through your intuitive whole-body experience.
This writing exploration is designed to support you in allowing the organic language of your internal voice to emerge, writing with more freedom and fluidity, and engaging with your authentic expression through your intuitive whole-body experience.
Teaching + Transmission | Honoring Your Authentic Poetic
This section of the course is created to support us with continuously feeling at home with ourselves and our authentic expression. We learn what it means to align with our authentic poetic through fully accepting our unique Divine Nature.
This section of the course is created to support us with continuously feeling at home with ourselves and our authentic expression. We learn what it means to align with our authentic poetic through fully accepting our unique Divine Nature.
Immersion | Poetic Language, Imagery, and the Magic of Life
During this immersion, we dive into poetic language and how it can be used to build worlds and add dimension and color to our writing. We will reference poetry to learn how other writers employ metaphor, imagery and symbolism, and the use of references in their own written art. Through this immersion, we will practice honoring our authentic poetic.
During this immersion, we dive into poetic language and how it can be used to build worlds and add dimension and color to our writing. We will reference poetry to learn how other writers employ metaphor, imagery and symbolism, and the use of references in their own written art. Through this immersion, we will practice honoring our authentic poetic.
Teaching + Transmission | The Power of Presence in Meaning-Creation
In this section, we are aligning with the power and beauty of presence, and allowing presence to impart her wisdom and magic. Intuitive writing, like the breath and relaxation of the body, brings us right into the present moment. And the present moment is truly abundant with offerings.
In this section, we are aligning with the power and beauty of presence, and allowing presence to impart her wisdom and magic. Intuitive writing, like the breath and relaxation of the body, brings us right into the present moment. And the present moment is truly abundant with offerings.
Immersion | Guided Meditation for Feeling the Body
This body-based meditation will support you in being present in your physical body through a guided body scan, sinking of energy, and general awareness of your Sacred physical nature. Feeling comfortable and present in our bodies is key to feeling safe in our life circumstances. Through safety, trust emerges. Through trust, pleasure emerges. Through pleasure, our intuition speaks more fluidly and with ease.
This body-based meditation will support you in being present in your physical body through a guided body scan, sinking of energy, and general awareness of your Sacred physical nature. Feeling comfortable and present in our bodies is key to feeling safe in our life circumstances. Through safety, trust emerges. Through trust, pleasure emerges. Through pleasure, our intuition speaks more fluidly and with ease.
Writing Exploration | Presence as a Portal
This writing exploration is designed to support you in experiencing your writing practice as one of transcendence. And from this place of living transcendence through the act of writing, this exploration will guide you to create writing that feels transcendent to your readers.
This writing exploration is designed to support you in experiencing your writing practice as one of transcendence. And from this place of living transcendence through the act of writing, this exploration will guide you to create writing that feels transcendent to your readers.
Teaching + Transmission | Embodying Authentic Expression
In this section, we align with what true wealth means in the context of our embodiment, exploring what it means to orient to the body, define language through the body, and experience wholeness through the soma.
In this section, we align with what true wealth means in the context of our embodiment, exploring what it means to orient to the body, define language through the body, and experience wholeness through the soma.
Immersion | Words Through the Body
This embodied writing immersion invites us to sensually attune to the presence of our bodies and the stories that live within these vessels. We will discover or deepen our connections between our physical bodies and our authentic expression through written word.
This embodied writing immersion invites us to sensually attune to the presence of our bodies and the stories that live within these vessels. We will discover or deepen our connections between our physical bodies and our authentic expression through written word.
Teaching + Transmission | Cultivating Neutrality
In this section, we deep dive into the power of neutrality in transmuting mental and emotional energy and unearthing inner wisdom and greater personal power.
In this section, we deep dive into the power of neutrality in transmuting mental and emotional energy and unearthing inner wisdom and greater personal power.
Immersion | Confessional Writing: The Inner Alchemy of Storytelling
In this confessional writing immersion, we will engage with our stories through the lens of self-seeing. We employ the style of Confessional Writing and the technique of intuitive writing to witness ourselves from a healing distance that allows the identity to momentarily detach from ongoing thoughts, mental patterns, and emotions.
In this confessional writing immersion, we will engage with our stories through the lens of self-seeing. We employ the style of Confessional Writing and the technique of intuitive writing to witness ourselves from a healing distance that allows the identity to momentarily detach from ongoing thoughts, mental patterns, and emotions.
Teaching + Transmission | Honoring Your "Beyond" Nature
In this section, we explore our nuanced nature as psychic beings and learn how we can “write our way” into psychic states of receptivity and intuitive strength.
In this section, we explore our nuanced nature as psychic beings and learn how we can “write our way” into psychic states of receptivity and intuitive strength.
Immersion | Yoga Nidra for Connecting With Your Inner Divinity
In this immersion, you will engage with Yoga Nidra, also known as “sleep yoga” which powerfully brings our minds and bodies into restoration through utilizing the variation of our brainwaves. Prepare for a relaxing, mystical, self-orienting experience.
In this immersion, you will engage with Yoga Nidra, also known as “sleep yoga” which powerfully brings our minds and bodies into restoration through utilizing the variation of our brainwaves. Prepare for a relaxing, mystical, self-orienting experience.
Writing Exploration | Connecting With Your Inner Oracle
This writing exploration is designed to support you in forming a sustainable connection with your inner wisdom through your unique inner landscape, refining your authentic poetic through the organic language that emerges from your intuitive experience.
This writing exploration is designed to support you in forming a sustainable connection with your inner wisdom through your unique inner landscape, refining your authentic poetic through the organic language that emerges from your intuitive experience.