*The session will be recorded if you are unable to join live.
Poetry exists within each of us.
Lean into your authentic poetic and cultivate your fully expressed nature – from the heart.
Collectively, this time period draws us into the heartspace to understand Love. While mainstream reality focuses on a commercialized romantic type of Love, if we broaden our perception, we can benefit from the collective energy bringing the idea of Love to the fore of collective consciousness.
What better way to engage with Love as a concept than to invite poetic expression to emerge from our heartspace?
This doesn’t mean we only frolic in fields of green, yellow, and pink. As we embrace all of what a multidimensional Love has to offer, we see that we can also embrace the thorns of roses, the scorching heat of a dragon’s breath, imbued with the rage of unrequited Love.
In embracing the fullness of Love, we also embrace the truth of our desires for attention, affection; our grief at the ones we Love no longer being Earthside; our bliss in the present Love we experience but are perhaps too concerned to share for fear of appearing boastful and inconsiderate to those experiencing lovelessness.
In this poetry immersion, we will use beloved Sufi poet Rumi’s Love poetry to guide us as we journey gracefully and poetically through our inner realms. We will also read the multidimensional Love poetry of other poets, and of course, write poetry from the heartspace.