Body Ayan Ibrahim Body Ayan Ibrahim

This is a Woman

“She takes a moment to pause and step back, gazing at herself, examining the intricacies of her body, every mole, dimple, and scar…her voice cracks as she mouths, ‘this is a woman.’”

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Identity Nardine Eldalil Identity Nardine Eldalil


“I knew that I could make a difference in the world, one bold stroke at a time.”

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Spirit Surabhi Raj Spirit Surabhi Raj

Leaning Into My Self

“Rather than what I’ve accomplished and the skills I put on my resume that change in value depending on external factors, I’ve possessed an understanding that the person I am beneath all of that is actually what’s worth putting at the forefront. “

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Body EkelemeN Body EkelemeN

My body, my home

“Taking that leap to cut my hair showed me more of myself to accept and hold onto rather than want anyone else to do it for me.”

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Body Darline Krystal Body Darline Krystal


"and realize that i’m due for a change

which requires me to remain the same

just a bit more accepting

of the woman i ought to become"

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Body Sofia Sanchez Body Sofia Sanchez

Bodies For Sale

“‘I’ll take it, sir.’ She handed the merchant her card, and the cashier passed it through the cash register. ‘Sold.’”

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Body Nefertiti Body Nefertiti

Fat Girl

How my family's body-shaming led me to codependency issues and a suicide attempt.

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Body Nnemoma C. Body Nnemoma C.

The Journey

I‘ve been trapped in this narrative of “not fitting in” and disliking myself so much so that true self-love has been foreign to me. In fact, it’s been so much easier sitting in this place of self-hate than working towards anything else.

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"I need to see my own beauty and to continue to be reminded that I am enough, that I am worthy of love without effort, that I am beautiful, that the texture of my hair and that the shape of my curves, the size of my lips, the color of my skin, and the feelings that I have are all worthy and okay."

— Tracee Ellis Ross