After Birth

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I can't help but smile when I look in the mirror,

Vision was blurred, but now I see clearer;

The woman looking at me, I used to fear her,

But now I can't help but be right near her;

Bitter after birthing my beautiful baby,

I looked at my gut and it drove me crazy;

Fat on my arms flapping high in the wind,

It was hard to breathe in my own skin;

Was never thin, the body I once had was now gone,

The jeans I bought before became hard to put on;

I was drawn to anything with a tight fit,

Then leggings and hoodies became my favorite outfit;

I will never forget when I used to be the shit,

When I was flexible to do high kicks and hit splits;

But now I'm thick and didn’t know what to do with it.

Losing weight gets hard cuz the fat seems to stick;

But that pre-baby body isn't hard to miss,

The cellulite made my thighs look like swiss;

Before my ass got thick like cold grits,

But it’s here and I have to get used to it;

So I decided to give my attitude a switch,

Look at myself every day and give that girl a kiss;

No more over-analyzing the tiny flawed bits,

I’m reminding myself that I’m still the shit!

This heavy Chevy was built to last,

And I'm okay with the fat not melting fast;

Gone are the days when I was ashamed,

Of the extra weight and chins I gained;

No remarks can phase me,

They used to drive me crazy,

Assumed that I was lazy,

This body just made a baby!

Bianca Shane'

Bianca Shane' is a native of Atlanta and owner of Dear Atlanta Freelance Writing, LLC. As a lover of words, she is well versed in writing short stories and poetry. Bianca is a reputable resumé writing specialist who is dedicated to helping job seekers attract and obtain new employment opportunities by sharing daily updates on who's hiring in Atlanta.

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