Love Ayan Ibrahim Love Ayan Ibrahim

The Purest Love

“This love I have for you is a pure one that I often struggle to express; with you, I struggle to be vulnerable, to dare greatly, and to trust that what I have to give is enough. It’s the pureness of a Mother’s love coded into my soul from the Divine Himself.”

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Identity Ribka Tewelde Identity Ribka Tewelde

Beguiling Box

This poem delves into the insecurities that people face when they imagine what their metaphorical “box” may have inside.

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Identity Mbiko Identity Mbiko

A Dose of Octuple Patterns

Things I could do with my time: Cook nshima and kapenta. Cook visashi. Crotchet products from chitenge. Knit products from chitenge. Speak to my parents about a history they had long left behind and refuse to revisit. Speak to my father about his life in Egypt. Speak to my mother about her life before my father. Speak to myself. Things I do instead: Have an existential crisis, several crises.

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Love Nkem Ugo Love Nkem Ugo

Thinking on the Page: “Love”

“I wonder if being in a romantic relationship is the unquestioned prerequisite to being accepted-then-respected in most societies. It's almost to say that if you're "with" someone, you must somehow be lovable, or at least likable.”

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"I need to see my own beauty and to continue to be reminded that I am enough, that I am worthy of love without effort, that I am beautiful, that the texture of my hair and that the shape of my curves, the size of my lips, the color of my skin, and the feelings that I have are all worthy and okay."

— Tracee Ellis Ross