Congratulations for finding yourself here, in a space where you can be both held as you sink into yourself, and led as you curiously discover the deeper nuances of who you are.

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Intuitive writing takes us into our deeper selves. It connects us to language that represents what within is communicating with our psyche and our body. And something is always communicating. Through intuitive writing, we continuously learn how to meet ourselves. We learn how to see ourselves. In this process, we learn that true expression is born from first meeting, then understanding, and then honoring our truth. And intuitive writing takes us there.

There are two aspects to this course: Intuitive Writing and Self-Discovery. So, you’ll find me weaving information about the journey of self within information about intuitive writing and the writing instruction itself. You will also find me weaving information about the power of writing and creative expression with teachings on embodiment, psychology, neurology, and our psychic nature. Throughout my many years of this work, I have found that the integration of the scientific with the spiritual, the didactic with the experiential, the pragmatic with the creative, makes for the most enriching and memorable learning experiences.

So you know where I’m coming from as the instructor of this course, along with my 12+ years as a writing teacher, I’ve also trained and studied in Psychic Development, Medical Intuition, Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Qi Gong, Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, and as a Kundalini Magnetic Resonance Therapy practitioner. Passion has inspired me and purpose has guided me to find increasingly innovative ways to integrate the power and magic of words + written creative expression with the deep knowing and understanding of our whole selves — body, mind, heart, and Spirit. Through this course, I make available many of the teachings, transmissions, tools, and practices I’ve been cultivating in my life and with clients + communities over the years.

The world needs authentic creative expression for humanity to come to a harmonious state.

AI and robots will not facilitate the organic connection, healing expression, and transformative creation human beings are spiritually designed to create.

This course is here to help us remember, viscerally, deeply, that our creative power and wisdom are inherent to us. And that this creative power and wisdom need to be expressed, not only for our individual benefit, but for the health of the human species and its evolution.

What is intuitive writing?

Simply put, intuitive writing is connecting to your wholeness and channeling that energy through the vessel of your body, through your hands, into words onto a page.

“Wholeness” means different things to each of us — it’s subjective. In this course and throughout the Wellspringwords® Universe, wholeness means the truth of who you are. Of course, as we exist, our truth changes. This is expected because we are evolutionary beings. When we resist or avoid our truth in any way — because of shame, ignorance, trauma, or guilt, for example — we are living outside of our wholeness. And interestingly, when we acknowledge that we are experiencing shame, ignorance, trauma, or guilt, we are living in our wholeness. How does that work? It’s not about the feelings, sensations, or experiences of shame, ignorance, trauma, or guilt themselves; it’s about our personal orientation to these attributes of the human experience.

And this is why being in our wholeness (or not) is a felt experience, one unique to each of us. Only I know when I am avoiding a deep truth, and only you know when you feel shame but won’t express it overtly. The resulting feelings in the mind and body tell us so — typically tightness, discomfort and pain, overthinking, manipulating relationships, and lying, for example. It’s unique, so the expressions of not being in our wholeness are varied and vast.

But the felt experience of being in our wholeness is always a centeredness, a radiance, a groundedness about a person, even if they are moving through difficulties. And as individuals, we feel it within ourselves, too.

A practice I enjoy is sharing my human worries and concerns with the Divine Mother before I go to bed. It allows me to be honest with everything I am feeling, all that has held me back or made me feel fearful and small, all that causes me to seek Love from outside of my own heart. After I am honest with myself, as painful as it is sometimes, I offer my woes and insecurities to the Divine Mother in prayer and conscious spiritual connection and I feel at ease. I feel at peace with myself — not because the nature of my worries has changed, but because my orientation to them has. In the act of being honest with myself, I have claimed the energy I was using to worry. And then I can see that using my energy to worry disallows me to use my energy for creating organic solutions to what I consider to be problems. But we can’t get there if we are avoiding our truths, or hiding behind shame.

This course is designed for this kind of self-empowering exploration through words and creative expression.

The practices we are cultivating in this course support us in aligning with our authentic expression, no matter what we’re presented with in life. In fact, in this course, writing is simply the vehicle for our authentic expression and the evolving expression of our creative power. What makes writing powerful, magical, impactful, and transformative is the meaning imbued in the language we use. And language is created from the words available to us. As you move through the course, I’ll guide and instruct you to conjure language from your own life, adopt language from other writers, and perhaps even make up your own language — this means using words in a way that evokes meaning that communicates what is authentic and organic to you. What is authentic and organic to you? Well, it’s not something you think about with the logical, analytical mind. Authenticity and organicity just happen, intuitively. So, you can consider your intuition your authentic creative intelligence. Fun!

What power does intuitive writing hold?

A cultivated practice of intuitive writing helps us connect directly to our personal creative essence, and learn to connect language to our emotions to create rich meaning that we imbue into our expressions.

Words are conduits of energy. Whatever we are experiencing or holding when we engage with the power of words, language, and meaning is transmitted through our words energetically. This takes the value of words far past connotation, dictation, and prescription. This means that when we engage with words, we are engaging energetically, making associations and links between what is, what has been, and/or what could be, constantly reframing reality for ourselves through how words dance with our subconscious field of knowing and innate life-creation. Is this not power? To adjust our perception of reality based on how we align with the energy of the words we use to connect inwardly with ourselves or communicate externally? And it’s not just our perception of reality, because perception is reality, so when we engage with words in this intuitive way, we’re commanding reality.

Big responsibility. But guess what?

We’re always using words, always communicating — but are we doing it consciously and with intention? Are we connected to a pure inward truth or a heart’s desire when engaging words in our lives? Intuitive writing helps us practice this ability.

Practicing engaging with the power of words from an intentional place helps us learn how to craft and shape our lives with self-authority. And as we write and create, we learn to transmit meaning to readers and viewers through our powerful cultivated essence.

Intuitive writing is also a tool to release energy, and cleanse and clear the aura. This is so special because intuitive writing brings the mind and heart into coherence within the body in this way.

We use our minds to conjure words and create language. We use our hearts to hold and express emotions, creating meaning from internal and external stimuli. Writing about our emotions and experiences challenges parts of the brain associated with certain stories to be rewired, through writing, to other emotional states that we may choose through intention and belief. In this way, we self-heal. We choose a desired state and write our way into it — we can track these amazing changes as they happen by always being attuned to the body as we write. And the more we practice intuitive writing in different moments of our lives, the more we understand our minds, our hearts, our ways of processing, creating, and deconstructing life. Thus, the more sovereignty we really have over our lives.

We will move through explorations on this within the course. :)

What does this course contain?

Within this unique, inspiring, and transformative course, you’ll move through 6 Rhythms created to represent the dance of self-discovery. As I mentioned in the intro video above — this is not about levels, it’s about spirals. That’s why this course being self-paced is so wonderful. You get to deepen into yourself time and time again as you move through the Rhythms below.

Rhythm 1 | Inner Space Awareness

Rhythm 2 | Poetry

Rhythm 3 | The Present Moment

Rhythm 4 | Breath, Body, and Sensuality

Rhythm 5 | Writing as Alchemy

Rhythm 6 | Psychic Abilities

Each Rhythm contains some combination of the elements below:

Teachings + Transmissions

Written and audio guidance on the topic of the section, or Rhythm, you are engaged with. Sink into these informative and inspiring musings channeled from my experience, expertise, intuition, and passion.

Video Immersions

Immersive workshops designed to support your learning experience in a class-or-coaching-like environment. Enjoy these immersions complete with meditation, visualization, detailed writing instruction, and learning from other writers + artists.

Guided Meditations

Powerful guidance along your journey of self-discovery and wholeness to regulate your nervous system, de-stress the mind and body, practice visualization, and attune to the authentic Self.

Guided Writing Explorations

Step-by-step guidance on building out a piece (or pieces!) of writing. Perfect for a quiet day of intentional solitude, slow living, and embracing the beauty, wonder, and magic within and around you.

Are you ready to journey to deeper self-discovery through the power and magic of written expression?

Let’s do it.