Thank you, special Soul, for prioritizing your creative expression.
I hope this course has served you, and that you envision it serving you in the future as you move along your unique journey of life. My hope is that, if you did not already believe it before, you now believe — and have seen — that authentic creative expression is important. Not just as a means to some creative output, but for the sake of understanding ourselves and living with self-clarity and self-confidence.
As I mentioned in the Welcome Rhythm,
The world needs authentic creative expression for humanity to come to a harmonious state.
AI and robots will not facilitate the organic connection, healing expression, and transformative creation human beings are spiritually designed to create.
While it’s easy, and often commonplace, for us to assign blame to “the powers that be” and larger “society” for a lack of personal power we feel, no one can take our personal truths from us. And in our personal truths lie our personal power. How that power is manifested, is brought into materiality, is through the expression of our truths.
I hope this course has helped you remember that your creative power and wisdom are inherent to you. Everywhere we turn, there is a chance to be distracted by “society” and its ploys to separate us from our inner clarity, beyond abilities, and deep authenticity.
Who you are as a Soul is so, so important to the restoration and maintenance of harmony on this planet. Those wild ideas you have in your head and heart? Please take the steps to create them. It can be done. I am doing it. Countless others are doing it. What makes us different from those who don’t pursue their dreams and goals? It’s not because we’re any more talented, skilled, or resourced. We all have the same amount of time in a day. We all have everything we need to take the steps available to us along the path of our visions. That is for sure.
My belief is that it’s about the deep, undiluted, and unfuckwithable connection some of us have with ourselves that needs to be cultivated to sustain a life of genuine and authentic creative power.
And like I said in Rhythm 3, The Present Moment,
“We can motivate ourselves to write and create by trying to say something meaningful. We can constantly keep tabs on those whose work inspires us and use them as motivation to create. We can spend all our energy listening to everyone and their mama about what it means to have something important or special to say.
Or, we can be in creation. We can be in presence. And through this presence, we can allow ourselves to define and redefine what we value about our creative essence, our authentic poetic, and the direction of our life force energy into the creative forms of our desires. In this understanding of what we value, we come to create our value — it is incalculable and immeasurable. The value of our creative energy, our creative output, and thus our tangible creations is based on sensation, presence, and our creative embodiment.”
When you are living from this space, nothing in the external world can sway you — you are creatively embodied and living from your unique personal power. In fact, society has no choice but to shift to accommodate us deeply empowered individuals.
So, again, thank you for investing in cultivating your inner space in this special way, through the power and magic of words, through genuine presence, and through the profoundly humbling act of learning. You’ve created more opportunities for yourself than you even know through your engagement with this course. May it continue to serve you and your communities.
Stay Connected
I’d love to know what you created as you journeyed through this course. Please connect with me via email and share your expressions:
You can also share your writing and journey within this course by tagging us on Instagram in any posts or stories you create.
If you’re creating a project from your writing or authentic creations and desire personalized 1-1 support, learn more and connect with me. I’m always ready to encourage you, empower you, and provide you with resources to make your wildest dreams your reality. Because you can.